Wednesday, August 16, 2023

These Are Not Your Stories

These are NOT your stories. I don't want you to take that the wrong way.

I struggle, and swallow hard on my vicious tongue, as I watch people who ignored, ridiculed and oppressed me and my family, especially my community, now touting their Indigeneity even though it is based on stories they've heard us tell in public spaces. 

Our stories are co-opted and seized out of the cultural landscape and used to prop up the legitimacy of a person, someone who should be able to accept their recent knowledge but refuses for no good reason. I say there is no good reason because I have never heard one and suspect I never will. 

Seeing all of this happen, the retcon of people's lives, in real time is an indignity to the people who gave all that they had, endured so much strife, just to be looked at, to be recognized.

Hopefully things can be civil in the future, I don't want to make this just about me ranting AT you. I will make a pact to be as civil as possible with you, as long as you affirm that these are not your stories make your own starting now. 

I am only a collector and sharer here. I only tell the story I've been gifted through my upbringing and I can only change that story in the present not the past. Aspire to the same or I will call your bluff, we know who our people are and have a duty to protect community.